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Summer Day Camp

The YMCA Summer Day Camp program offers campers the opportunity to make new friends and have tons of fun as they explore new adventures each day creating lasting memories. We utilize the YMCA core values to teach campers how to be more independent and contribute to a group through physical, social, and educational activities. 

Day Camp is designed for children entering Kindergarten through grade 8 in the Fall of 2025. Campers are separated into 4 groups by grade: 

  • Kindergarten Clubhouse (entering kindergarten)
  • Explorers (entering grades: 1 & 2)
  • Voyagers (entering grades: 3, 4, 5)
  • Pathfinders (entering grades: 6, 7, 8)

Day Camp 2025 Info Packet

Week 1 of Camp begins the week of June 2 and the last week of camp is the week of August 11. 

This info packet provides more info about Summer Day Camp 2025 such as Registration Info, Weekly Themes, General Camp Info, and MORE!

Payment & Registration

Payment & Registration

Member Registration: Opens April 1

Non-Member Registration: Opens April 15

A $25 non-refundable deposit per session is required to reserve a camper's spot. Deposit is applied to the final balance. 

What does a camp deposit do?

A non-refundable deposit of $25 is required for each week your camper plans to attend. This deposit will be deducted from the overall weekly fee and secures your spot unless the remaining balance is not received by the 15th of the month prior to attending. 

When is payment for camp due?

Full camp payment is due on the 15th of the month prior to the month of camp. For example, if your camper is signed up for camp(s) in June, full payment of all June camps would be due May 15th. 

Can I pay my camp balance online?

Yes, click the "Register" icon at the top of the website homepage. Click "log in". On the left side you will see "My Programs and Balances". 

Summer Camp Drop Policy & Refunds

Those who wish to withdraw their registration for a camp must do so no later than two (2) full weeks before the camp is scheduled to start. The initial $25 deposit used to register for a camp session is non-refundable and non-transferable. No refunds will be given after the two (2) week policy prior to the start of camp.

Planning for Day Camp

How do I stay informed about camp?

We have Facebook page called Worthington Area YMCA and a Instagram account (@wgtnymca) for promotional purposes.

We will use the REMIND app to communicate with parents during camp. A REMIND code will be provided once registration is complete. 

What should my camper bring everyday?

It is important that your child comes to camp well rested as well as having a healthy breakfast in order to ensure for a fun, safe, and energetic day. Our staff wants your child to get the most out of what camp has to offer. Campers should come dressed in clothes they can easily move around in, closed toe shoes, a water bottle, bug spray, and sunscreen. They should also bring a swimsuit and towel on scheduled swim days. 

Camp staff will help your camper keep track of his or her belongings, but they are NOT responsible for lost, stolen or damaged personal items. LABEL ALL ITEMS.

Does my camper need to bring lunch/snacks to camp?

The YMCA participates in the District 518 Summer Lunch program. If your camper does not want to participate in the program, they will need to bring a cold lunch from home. Please note: refrigerators and microwaves are not available for camper use. The YMCA also provides a morning and afternoon snack to all campers. 

What if my camper has food allergies?

List all food allergies that your child has on their camp registration. Some food allergies are exceptionally difficult to accommodate at camp. In some situations, you may be asked to send your camper with their own allergen-free foods. Free lunches are provided through the District 518 food program.

What should my camper bring on Field Trips?

Specific field trip information will be provided to parents/guardians prior to the scheduled field trip.

Each camp is assigned to a designated field trip day. Campers may travel up to 90 miles away.

  • Campers must wear their provided YMCA summer camp field trip shirt.
  • Campers must bring a lunch, water bottle, sunscreen, bug spray, and may bring an individual activity to do on the bus (books, fidget toys, etc.) however, the YMCA is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged items.

There isn’t alternate camp programming on field trip days; no refunds for campers who do not attend.


At Camp

What should I do if my camper will be absent or late?

If campers are arriving late to their camp location (after 8:30am) and the camp has already departed, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to get their camper to the location of the camp. 

If a camper needs to be picked up prior to end of day (before 4:00pm), it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to meet the camper at the location in which their camper is located. 

Communicate with camp staff via REMIND

What if my camper loses an item while at camp?

To minimize the chance of misplaced clothing and other items, please label all clothing and other property clearly. There will be a lost and found container for misplaced items. Items not claimed by camper/parent upon completion of session will be kept for two weeks. Items/equipment not claimed within the two-week period will be donated. 

What happens if my camper is sick or gets injured?

In the case of a minor injury, first aid will be administered until the camper is ready to return to activity.

In the case of severe injuries, we will contact the Parent/Guardian/emergency contacts if you’re unavailable. If necessary, an Emergency Action Plan will be initiated and 911 will be contacted.

If a child becomes ill at camp, we will notify you immediately to pick them up. Please do not send your camper to camp if they are not feeling well.

What is the procedure for inclement weather?

Camps will operate outdoors for the majority of the time. In the event of inclimate weather (lightning, thunder, high winds and high heat index) during outdoor activities, campers will be brought indoors or to the nearest shelter until it is safe to return to the scheduled camp activity. The Camp staff will send out communication if there is an emergency. 

Am I allowed to visit my camper at camp?

Mid-day visits are not recommended. If necessary, contact camp staff to arrange a date and time. Cell phones and watches should be left at home. If discovered, they will be confiscated. Campers should not make phone calls without the camp staff’s permission. In case of an emergency or to assist with your camper’s social adjustment, we will reach out to you.

What are camp check in/out procedures?

Check-In: Parents/Guardians are expected to park their vehicle and check-in/check-out campers with camp staff at the Front Door of the YMCA or alternative camp site location between the hours of 7:00-8:30am.

Check-Out: Campers must be signed out each day by parent/guardian or authorized adults with a photo I.D. Campers will not be released to someone other than the parent/guardian. Notify camp staff if an additional person needs to be added as an authorized adult. Check-Out is between the hours of 4:00-5:00pm.

What if my child will need medications while at camp?

If your camper brings medication to camp including over the counter medications, it must be in the original container with the original label with their name. Do not pack medications into the camper's backpack. Medications must be turned into the Camp Staff upon Check In. Unused medications will be returned to the parent/guardian on the last day of the camp session.